Name ALC_EXT_debug AL_EXT_debug Contributors Chris Robinson Contact Chris Robinson (chris.kcat 'at' Status Complete. Dependencies This extension is for OpenAL 1.1. This extension interacts with ALC_EXT_EFX. Overview This extension adds functionality to aid application development and debugging. The new functionality allows an application to receive messages for events related to errors, use of deprecated or undefined behavior, and other pertinent library and device behavior. The message "stream" can also be annotated with custom messages, as well as group together events that occur within set segments of the application's calls to the AL. Additionally, an application can label individual objects (sources, buffers, etc) with custom names. This allows an application to textually identify what each object is, as necessary for debugging. The interface is heavily based on GL_KHR_debug, so developers familiar with that API should find this very familiar. Issues Q: A: New Types typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *ALDEBUGPROCEXT)(ALenum source, ALenum type, ALuint id, ALenum severity, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message, void *userParam); New Procedures and Functions void AL_APIENTRY alDebugMessageCallbackEXT(ALDEBUGPROCEXT callback, void *userParam); void AL_APIENTRY alDebugMessageInsertEXT(ALenum source, ALenum type, ALuint id, ALenum severity, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message); void AL_APIENTRY alDebugMessageControlEXT(ALenum source, ALenum type, ALenum severity, ALsizei count, const ALuint *ids, ALboolean enable); void AL_APIENTRY alPushDebugGroupEXT(ALenum source, ALuint id, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message); void AL_APIENTRY alPopDebugGroupEXT(void); ALuint AL_APIENTRY alGetDebugMessageLogEXT(ALuint count, ALsizei logBufSize, ALenum *sources, ALenum *types, ALuint *ids, ALenum *severities, ALsizei *lengths, ALchar *logBuf); void AL_APIENTRY alObjectLabelEXT(ALenum identifier, ALuint name, ALsizei length, const ALchar *label); void AL_APIENTRY alGetObjectLabelEXT(ALenum identifier, ALuint name, ALsizei bufSize, ALsizei *length, ALchar *label); void* AL_APIENTRY alGetPointerEXT(ALenum pname); void AL_APIENTRY alGetPointervEXT(ALenum pname, void **values); New Tokens Accepted as an attribute to alcCreateContext: ALC_CONTEXT_FLAGS_EXT 0x19CF Accepted as a bitwise-or'd value for the ALC_CONTEXT_FLAGS_EXT context creation attribute value: ALC_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_EXT 0x0001 Accepted as the parameter of alGetInteger[v]: AL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_EXT 0x19CF Returned by alGetInteger[v] when is AL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_EXT: AL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_EXT 0x0001 Accepted as the parameter of alEnable, alDisable, and alIsEnabled: AL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXT 0x19B2 Accepted as the parameter of alGetPointerEXT and alGetPointervEXT: AL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_EXT 0x19B3 AL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM_EXT 0x19B4 Accepted or provided by the parameter of alDebugMessageControlEXT, alDebugMessageInsertEXT, and ALDEBUGPROCEXT, and returned by the parameter of alGetDebugMessageLogEXT: AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_EXT 0x19B5 AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_AUDIO_SYSTEM_EXT 0x19B6 AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_EXT 0x19B7 AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_EXT 0x19B8 AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_EXT 0x19B9 Accepted or provided by the parameter of alDebugMessageControlEXT, alDebugMessageInsertEXT, and ALDEBUGPROCEXT, and returned by the parameter of alGetDebugMessageLogEXT: AL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_EXT 0x19BA AL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_EXT 0x19BB AL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_EXT 0x19BC AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_EXT 0x19BD AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_EXT 0x19BE AL_DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER_EXT 0x19BF AL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_EXT 0x19C2 Accepted or provided by the parameter of alDebugMessageControlEXT and ALDEBUGPROCEXT, and returned by the parameter of alGetDebugMessageLogEXT: AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP_EXT 0x19C0 AL_DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP_EXT 0x19C1 Accepted or provided by the parameter of alDebugMessageControlEXT, alDebugMessageInsertEXT, and ALDEBUGPROCEXT, and returned by the parameter of alGetDebugMessageLogEXT: AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_EXT 0x19C3 AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_EXT 0x19C4 AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_EXT 0x19C5 AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION_EXT 0x19C6 Accepted as the , , and parameters of alDebugMessageControlEXT: AL_DONT_CARE_EXT 0x0002 Accepted as the parameter of alGetBoolean[v], alGetInteger[v], alGetFloat[v], and alGetDouble[v]: AL_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_EXT 0x19C7 AL_DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH_EXT 0x19C8 AL_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_EXT 0x19C9 AL_MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_EXT 0x19CA AL_MAX_DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH_EXT 0x19CB AL_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH_EXT 0x19CC Returned by alGetError: AL_STACK_OVERFLOW_EXT 0x19CD AL_STACK_UNDERFLOW_EXT 0x19CE Accepted by the parameter of alObjectLabelEXT and alGetObjectLabelEXT: AL_BUFFER_EXT 0x1009 /* Same as AL_BUFFER */ AL_SOURCE_EXT 0x19D0 Accepted by the parameter of alObjectLabelEXT and alGetObjectLabelEXT if ALC_EXT_EFX is also supported: AL_FILTER_EXT 0x19D1 AL_EFFECT_EXT 0x19D2 AL_AUXILIARY_EFFECT_SLOT_EXT 0x19D3 Additions to Specification Add to Table 3.1: Numerical Query Definitions Name Description ======================================= ================================= AL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_EXT Context bitflags. AL_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_EXT The number of messages currently in the debug log. AL_DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH_EXT The number of characters in the next logged message, including the null-terminator, or 0 for no logged messages. AL_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_EXT The maximum length for debug messages, including the null- terminator. AL_MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_EXT The maximum number of messages that can be in the debug log. AL_MAX_DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH_EXT The maximum number of debug groups that can fit on the debug group stack. AL_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH_EXT The maximum length for object labels, including the null- terminator. Debugging Application developers can receive more detailed information from the AL runtime regarding generated errors, undefined or ill-defined behavior, deprecated functionality, performance warnings, and other implementation- dependent and useful information. This information cam be retrieved via a callback, or a message queue the application reads and pops messages off from. Debug message generation is managed by a context flag and enable state. These provide high-level control for whether debug messages should be generated, with the context flag indicating to the AL whether it should provide a context optimized for debugability or performance, while the enable state allows applications to control whether it's interested in debug messages at the current time. Debug functions will operate without error regardless, so applications do not need to recompile or avoid calling the debug functions when it doesn't want to debug. Contexts are created without the debug flag by default. To create a debug context, call alcCreateContext and specify the ALC_CONTEXT_FLAGS_EXT context creation attribute, with ALC_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_EXT or'd into the attribute value. Table x.1: Additional Context Creation Attributes Name Description --------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ALC_CONTEXT_FLAGS_EXT Context flags to set on the newly created context. ALCint attributes[] = { ALC_CONTEXT_FLAGS_EXT, ALC_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_EXT, 0 /* end-of-list */ }; ALCcontext *context = alcCreateContext(device, attributes); Alongside the debug context flag, the debug enable state is used to enable or disable debug messages on an existing context. The debug enable state can be enabled and disabled using alEnable and alDisable respectively, and its current state queried using alIsEnabled, with the AL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXT target capability. Table x.2: Context Capability Targets Name Description ------------------------------- --------------------------------- AL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXT Enables debug message output The default state for AL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXT is dependent on the debug context flag. For debug contexts, AL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXT is enabled by default, and for non-debug contexts, AL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXT is disabled by default. For debug contexts, if AL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXT is disabled, no debug messages will be generated (the callback will not be called, and no messages will be added to the debug log). For non-debug contexts, enabling AL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXT is valid, but it is implementation-defined what debug messages are generated (which is allowed to be no debug messages at all). To ensure the maximum amount of debug messages, create a debug context with the ALC_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_EXT flag, and make sure to enable AL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_EXT. Debug Messages Messages are identified by a source and type, and an implementation- dependent 32-bit ID. These three values can uniquely identify each debug message from the AL. Each message also comes with a severity level, indicating what kind of action should be taken. Table x.3: Debug Sources Source Description -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_EXT The AL runtime. AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_AUDIO_SYSTEM_EXT The ALC layer, possibly in response to hardware or the audio system (e.g. WASAPI, PipeWire, etc). AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_EXT Third-party libraries, and/or middleware between the AL and application. AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_EXT The application. AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_EXT Something else not fitting the other sources. Table x.4: Debug Types Type Description ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- AL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_EXT Error events. AL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_EXT Functionality that has been deprecated in more recent AL versions. AL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_EXT Behavior not defined by the specification. AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_EXT Behavior that is not consistent between systems. AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_EXT Implementation-dependent performance issue. AL_DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER_EXT A custom debug message. AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP_EXT Entering a new debug message group. AL_DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP_EXT Leaving the top-most debug message group. AL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_EXT Something else not fitting the other types. Table x.5: Debug Severities Severity Description ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------- AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_EXT AL errors, undefined behaviors that can cause severe problems, system or hardware fault preventing normal operation. AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_EXT Notable performance problems, deprecated behavior. AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_EXT Minor performance issues, insignificant undefined behavior. AL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION_EXT Informational message, not requiring any action. Each debug message also comes with a human-readable string describing the issue. Debug Message Log Two options are available to retrieve debug messages. By default, when debug messages are enabled and generated they will be stored in a log for the application to read out. The maximum number of messages that can be stored in the log is indicated by querying alGetInteger[v] with the AL_MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_EXT property. Once the log is full, no more messages will be added until the application reads some messages to free up space for more. Any messages generated before then are permanently lost. To query the number of messages currently in the log, call alGetInteger[v] with AL_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_EXT. The length of the next logged message can be queried with AL_DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH_EXT. To get messages from the log, use the function ALuint alGetDebugMessageLogEXT(ALuint count, ALsizei logBufSize, ALenum *sources, ALenum *types, ALuint *ids, ALenum *severities, ALsizei *lengths, ALchar *logBuf); is the number of messages to read, and is also the number of elements pointed to by , , , , and . is the total number of characters pointed to by . , , , , and are filled in with the source, type, ID, severity, and length (including the null-terminator) of each read message. is filled in with the messages, UTF-8 encoded and separated by null characters. Any pointer may be NULL for parameters the application doesn't care about. If is NULL, is ignored. The return value is the number of messages read, and each read message is removed from the log. Messages are read oldest-first. The return value may be less than if, either, the number of messages in the log is less than the requested count, or when runs out of space to store the next message. Debug Message Callback Alternative to using the message log, messages can be retrieved using a callback function. To specify the callback the AL should call for debug messages, use the function void alDebugMessageCallbackEXT(ALDEBUGPROCEXT callback, void *userParam); With a debug message callback set, the AL will call the callback with the debug message instead of adding it to the log. Setting a NULL callback will cause the AL to place future debug messages into the log. The callback should follow the prototype typedef void (AL_APIENTRY *ALDEBUGPROCEXT)(ALenum source, ALenum type, ALuint id, ALenum severity, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message, void *userParam); When called, , , , and will be set to the source, type, ID, and severity of the message. will be the number of ALchars pointed to by , *excluding* the null-terminator. will be a human-readable description of the message, UTF-8 encoded and null-terminated. will be the same pointer passed to alDebugMessageCallbackEXT. The callback must not make AL or ALC calls, or wait for such calls to finish. Debug Message Filters In addition to the context flag and enable state, debug messages can be filtered more precisely based on its properties, for instance if you want to filter out AL API errors, or deprecated behavior from a specific function according to its message ID. By default, all debug messages with Low severity are disabled, excluding them from the debug message stream. To enable or disable particular debug messages, use the function void alDebugMessageControlEXT(ALenum source, ALenum type, ALenum severity, ALsizei count, const ALuint *ids, ALboolean enable); This modifies the message filter for the currently active debug group (see "Custom Debug Messages and Message Groups" below). is the debug source to adjust the filter for, which may be AL_DONT_CARE_EXT to apply it to all debug sources, is the debug type to adjust the filter for, which may be AL_DONT_CARE_EXT to apply it to all debug types, and is the debug severity to adjust the filter for, which may be AL_DONT_CARE_EXT to apply it to all debug severities. is the number of IDs pointed to by . This may be 0 to adjust the filters for messages irrespective of their ID. If non-0, the call will adjust filters for messages with the given IDs. When doing so, and must not be AL_DONT_CARE_EXT, and must be AL_DONT_CARE_EXT. If is AL_FALSE, messages covered by the specified parameters will be disabled and excluded from the debug message stream. If AL_TRUE, the specified messages will be enabled. Custom Debug Messages and Message Groups Callers can insert custom debug messages into the message stream, either placing the message into the log, or invoking the callback with it. To do so, use the function void alDebugMessageInsertEXT(ALenum source, ALenum type, ALuint id, ALenum severity, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message); must be either AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_EXT or AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_EXT. , , and may be set as appropriate for the message being inserted. is the number of ALchars pointed to by , excluding the null-terminator, or a negative value to have the length calculated as if by strlen. The length of the message, including the null-terminator, must not exceed the limit indicated by the AL_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_EXT query. In addition to custom messages, callers can utilize a debug group stack to group together debug messages. A debug group maintains its own set of message filters and can be used to demarcate sections of an update pass in the debug message stream. There is an implicit debug group at the bottom of the stack. A caller can push a new debug group onto the stack and make it the active group by calling the function void alPushDebugGroupEXT(ALenum source, ALuint id, ALsizei length, const ALchar *message); must be either AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_EXT or AL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_EXT. may be set to any value the caller deems appropriate to identify the group. is the number of ALchars pointed to by , excluding the null-terminator, or negative to have the length calculated as if by strlen. The length of the message, including the null-terminator, must not exceed the limit indicated by the AL_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_EXT query. The given source, ID, and a copy of the message will be associated with the new debug group, which will also inherit the message filters of the previously active debug group. An AL_DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP_EXT debug message will be generated for the start of the new group using its associated source, ID, and message. The number of debug groups that can be pushed onto the stack is limited. Including the implicit debug group, the number allowed on the stack at one time is indicated by querying AL_MAX_DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH_EXT. So the number of groups that can be pushed onto the stack at a given time is one less than the stack depth. Any attempt to push another group onto the stack when it's full will fail and generate an AL_STACK_OVERFLOW_EXT error. To pop the active debug group off the stack and revert back to the previously active group, use the function void alPopDebugGroupEXT(void); An AL_DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP_EXT debug message will be generated using the associated source, ID, and message of the group being removed. The active debug filters will be reset to the filters in the restored group. Any attempt to pop off the implicit debug group will fail and generate an AL_STACK_UNDERFLOW_EXT error. Object Labels In addition to debug messages, applications can apply labels to objects (sources, buffers, etc). These labels can be read back by the caller to identify the object. The label can also be used by the AL runtime to more clearly identify objects when logging or generating debug messages. To set the label of an object, use the function void alObjectLabelEXT(ALenum identifier, ALuint name, ALsizei length, const ALchar *label); specifies the type of object, which can be AL_SOURCE_EXT or AL_BUFFER_EXT. If ALC_EXT_EFX is supported, it can also be AL_FILTER_EXT, AL_EFFECT_EXT, or AL_AUXILIARY_EFFECT_SLOT_EXT. is the ID of the generated object of the given type (e.g. a Source ID for AL_SOURCE_EXT). is the number of ALchars pointed to by