Name AL_EXT_source_distance_model Contributors Chris Robinson Daniel Peacock Bob Aron Contact Chris Robinson (chris.kcat 'at' Status Complete Dependancies This extension is written against the OpenAL 1.1 specification. Overview This extension allows each source to specify a distance model, instead of being restricted to one distance model for every source in the context. It provides a mechanism for applications to apply different models to each source, without the burden of manually applying the attenuation through the source gain. Issues Q: ALint and ALenum are being used inter-changeably. Is that OK? Are they always the same size (32 bits) on all platforms? A: Yes, and yes. Both ALint and ALenum are typedef'd to int, and OpenAL already passes ALenum values through an ALint (such as when calling alGetInteger with AL_DISTANCE_MODEL), so there should be no problems passing a distance model enum through al[Get]Sourcei. Q: What happens when some of the sources are set to something other than the default and then the application calls alDistanceModel()? A: The sources' property is maintained separately from the context's distance model setting. Calling alDistanceModel will set the context's setting, which is only used when the AL_SOURCE_DISTANCE_MODEL context state is disabled (the default). Similarly, setting a source's AL_DISTANCE_MODEL property will only have an audible affect when the context state is enabled. Q: What is the purpose of having different distance models for each source? A: Different sounds may want different rolloff properties. For instance, some sounds may want to follow a more natural inverse distance rolloff, while others may want to use linear or a manual method to ensure a sound reaches 0 gain at max distance. Unextended OpenAL only allows using custom rolloffs by setting the AL_NONE distance model or a 0 rolloff factor, both of which can have other side effects (eg. disabling air absorption effects from EFX). New Procedures and Functions None. New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of alEnable, alDisable, and alIsEnabled: AL_SOURCE_DISTANCE_MODEL 0x200 Additions to Specification Append Section 2.8 (Controlling AL Execution, p. 17) The table below specifies the acceptable target capabilities: Table 2.x: Context capability targets Name Description ------------------------ ----------------- AL_SOURCE_DISTANCE_MODEL Enables use of the distance model specified by the sources' AL_DISTANCE_MODEL property, superceding the context's distance model setting (default is disabled) Modify Table 3.1 (Numerical Query Definitions), p. 22 Name Description ----------------- ----------------- ... AL_DISTANCE_MODEL The current context-wide distance model Modify Section 3.4 (Attenuation By Distance), p. 24 (modify starting from third paragraph) OpenAL currently supports three modes of operation with respect to distance attenuation, including one that is similar to the IASIG I3DL2 model. The application can choose one of these models (or chooses to disable distance-dependent attenuation) on per-source or a per-context basis. The function void alDistanceModel(ALenum modelName); changes the context distance model, used by default for all sources in the current context. Legal arguments are: ... Modify Section 4.3.2 (Source Attributes) (add to subsection Distance Model Attributes, p. 38) Table 4.x: DISTANCE_MODEL Attribute Name Signature Values Default ----------------- --------- --------- --------------------------- AL_DISTANCE_MODEL i, iv any valid AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED modelName Description: the distance model used when calculating the source's distance-dependent attenuation. By default, all sources will use the context's distance model. This attribute will only be used when the AL_SOURCE_DISTANCE_MODEL context capability target is enabled. The valid modelNames are the same as those for alDistanceModel (detailed in Section 3.4). Errors An AL_INVALID_VALUE error is generated if alSourcei or alSourceiv is called with AL_DISTANCE_MODEL and the given model name is not valid.