Name AL_SOFT_bformat_ex Contributors Chris Robinson Contact Chris Robinson (chris.kcat 'at' Status Complete Dependancies This extension is written against the OpenAL 1.1 specification. This extension depends on AL_EXT_BFORMAT. Overview This extension allows B-Format buffers to be interpreted according to the ACN (Ambisonic Channel Number), SN3D (Semi-Normalized), and N3D (fully Normalized) standards. The AL_EXT_BFORMAT extension provides support for B-Format buffers using the FuMa standard for channel ordering and scaling, however much of the ambisonic content being produced today is using a more formalized ACN ordering and SN3D scaling, some even using N3D scaling. The option to interpret B-Format buffers using these standards makes them easier to use since an application won't need to manually convert them before loading. Issues Q: Should these be defined as new formats, buffer properties, or source properties? A: Buffer properties. It would unnecessarily bloat the format list to make each potential order and scale pairing as a new option, and source properties would create unnecessary bookkeeping to ensure the source is properly configured for the buffer it's going to play. Q: Is it allowed to queue buffers with different layout or scaling values onto a source? A: Not when they contain B-Format data. If the buffers being queued do not hold B-Format data, the layout and scaling properties are ignored and may be queued together regardless of the value for these properties. But if they do hold B-Format data, they are effectively part of the buffer format and must match other queued buffers. Q: Does changing the layout and scaling after B-Format data has been buffered affect how the data is interpreted? A: Yes. The layout and scaling do not influence the needed data size, and it should not be needed for an implementation to convert the data for this purpose when loading it. As long as the buffer is not currently attached to a source, there should be no issue with modifying these properties without requiring the data to be reloaded. New Procedures and Functions None. New Tokens Accepted as the parameter of alBufferi, alBufferiv, alGetBufferi, and alGetBufferiv: AL_AMBISONIC_LAYOUT_SOFT 0x1997 AL_AMBISONIC_SCALING_SOFT 0x1998 Accepted as the parameter of alBufferi and alBufferiv for the AL_AMBISONIC_LAYOUT_SOFT and AL_AMBISONIC_SCALING_SOFT properties: AL_FUMA_SOFT 0x0000 Accepted as the parameter of alBufferi and alBufferiv for the AL_AMBISONIC_LAYOUT_SOFT property: AL_ACN_SOFT 0x0001 Accepted as the parameter of alBufferi and alBufferiv for the AL_AMBISONIC_SCALING_SOFT property: AL_SN3D_SOFT 0x0001 AL_N3D_SOFT 0x0002 Additions to Specification Append to Section 5.3.1, Buffer Attributes Table 5.x. Buffer AL_AMBISONIC_LAYOUT_SOFT Attribute Name Signature Values Default -------------------------- --------- --------------- -------------- AL_AMBISONIC_LAYOUT_SOFT i,iv AL_FUMA_SOFT, AL_FUMA_SOFT AL_ACN_SOFT Specifies the channel layout used by B-Format buffer data. The default, AL_FUMA_SOFT, is the traditional layout for first-order B-Format and was adopted by the FuMa format (and subsequently extended for higher orders, although the significance of which is not currently applicable here). For 3D B-Format, this correlates to Ambisonic axis order WXYZ (note that these axes do not correspond to OpenAL's, e.g. Ambisonic's +X is not OpenAL's +X). For 2D B-Format, this correlates to Ambisonic axis order WXY. The value AL_ACN_SOFT causes the B-Format channel layout to be interpreted as having an incrementing Ambisonic Channel Number (ACN) index, which is used by a large portion of modern ambisonic content. For 3D B-Format, this correlates to ACN indices 0123 (WYZX in FuMa). For 2D B-Format, this correlates to ACN indices 013 (WYX in FuMa). An attempt to change the layout value while the buffer is attached or queued to a source will generate an AL_INVALID_OPERATION error. When containing B-Format format data and being queued onto a source, the layout value must match the layout of any other buffers queued on the source, or an AL_INVALID_OPERATION will be generated. Table 5.x. Buffer AL_AMBISONIC_SCALING_SOFT Attribute Name Signature Values Default --------------------------- --------- --------------- -------------- AL_AMBISONIC_SCALING_SOFT i,iv AL_FUMA_SOFT, AL_FUMA_SOFT AL_SN3D_SOFT, AL_N3D_SOFT Specifies the channel scaling used by B-Format buffer data. The default, AL_FUMA_SOFT, is the traditional scaling for first-order B-Format and was adopted by the FuMa format. Buffer data using this scaling is expected to have normalized each channel according to its maximum associated Legendre polynomial value, along with an extra -3dB adjustment on W (ACN 0). The value AL_SN3D_SOFT is for Schmidt semi-normalization, which is used by a large portion of modern ambisonic content. This normalization can be expressed as: _____________________ / (l - |m|)! { 1 if m == 0 SN3D(l,m) = / (2 - d(m)) ----------, d(m) = { \/ (l + |m|)! { 0 if m != 0 Where l is the Ambisonic order and m is the Ambisonic index for the given channel. The value AL_N3D_SOFT is for full normalization (as in, the orthonormal basis for 3D decomposition, not keeping the signal between -1...+1). This has seen some use with ambisonic content, and can be expressed in relation to SN3D as: N3D(l,m) = SN3D(l,m) * sqrt(l*2 + 1) An attempt to change the scaling value while the buffer is attached or queued to a source will generate an AL_INVALID_OPERATION error. When containing B-Format format data and being queued onto a source, the scaling value must match the scaling of any other buffers queued on the source, or an AL_INVALID_OPERATION will be generated.