Name AL_SOFT_block_alignment Contributors Chris Robinson Contact Chris Robinson (chris.kcat 'at' Status Complete. Dependencies This extension is for OpenAL 1.1. This extension interacts with AL_SOFT_buffer_samples. This extension interacts with AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data. This extension interacts with AL_EXT_IMA4. This extension interacts with AL_SOFT_MSADPCM. Overview This extension provides a mechanism for specifying block alignment properties for sample data. This is useful for, though not strictly limited to, ADPCM compression where the block alignment is specified in the media file header instead of the data stream, and controls the decoding process. Issues Q: How should the block alignment be specified? A: As the number of sample frames per block. Although certain formats, like .wav, store the block alignment in bytes, sample frames is easier to manage. Q: How do you convert the block alignment from bytes to sample frames? A: For IMA4, the conversion is: sample_align = (byte_align/nchannels - 4)/4*8 + 1 For MSADPCM, the conversion is: sample_align = (byte_align/nchannels - 7)*2 + 2 The byte alignment is considered invalid if the divisions don't produce an exact integer, or if the subtraction would go negative or underflow. Note in particular that the byte alignment for IMA4 must be a multiple of 4*nchannels since the nibbles are stored in 4-byte runs. Q: How does changing the block alignment affect sample data that's already loaded? A: It doesn't. The block alignment is used when unpacking (reading) and packing (writing) samples when the application calls, but does not affect how stored data is interpreted. New Procedures and Functions None. New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of alBufferi, alBufferiv, alGetBufferi, and alGetBufferiv: AL_UNPACK_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT_SOFT 0x200C AL_PACK_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT_SOFT 0x200D Additions to Specification Sample Data Block Alignment Sample data is read and written as a collection of one or more blocks. A block is a collection of one or more sample frames, which in turn contain one sample for each channel. Table x.0. Buffer AL_UNPACK_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT_SOFT Attribute Name Signature Values Default -------------------------------- --------- -------------- ------- AL_UNPACK_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT_SOFT i, iv [0, MAX_INT] 0 Table x.1. Buffer AL_PACK_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT_SOFT Attribute Name Signature Values Default ------------------------------ --------- -------------- ------- AL_PACK_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT_SOFT i, iv [0, MAX_INT] 0 The buffer's block alignment attributes specify the number of sample frames in each block when unpacking and packing sample data. Unpacking occurs during calls to alBufferData, and alBufferSubDataSOFT if AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data is supported, and alBufferSamplesSOFT and alBufferSubSamplesSOFT if AL_SOFT_buffer_samples is supported. Packing occurs during calls to alGetBufferSamplesSOFT if AL_SOFT_buffer_samples is supported. By default, the block alignment for unpacking and packing samples is set to 0. This indicates the minimum alignment (1) is used for PCM sample formats. If the AL_EXT_IMA4 extension is supported, the block alignment controls the number of sample frames encoded per IMA ADPCM block, and so also affects the bitrate. The block alignment must be a multiple of 8, plus 1 (i.e. alignment = n*8 + 1), or an AL_INVALID_VALUE error will occur during unpacking or packing IMA4 samples. A block alignment of 0 indicates a default of 65 sample frames per block for IMA4 sample formats. If the AL_SOFT_MSADPCM extension is supported, the block alignment controls the number of sample frames encoded per MSADPCM block, and so also affects the bitrate. The block alignment must be a multiple of 2, or an AL_INVALID_VALUE error will occur during unpacking or packing MSADPCM samples. A block alignment of 0 indicates a default of 64 sample frames per block for MSADPCM sample formats. Errors An AL_INVALID_VALUE error is generating during unpacking or packing operations if the unpack block alignment or pack block alignment isn't an appropriate value for the format.