Name AL_SOFT_buffer_samples Contributors Chris Robinson Contact Chris Robinson (chris.kcat 'at' Status Complete Dependencies This extension is for OpenAL 1.1. This extension interacts with AL_SOFT_loop_points. This extension interacts with AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data. This extension trivially interacts with AL_EXT_FLOAT32. This extension trivially interacts with AL_EXT_MCFORMATS. Overview This extension provides a more flexible mechanism for loading buffer data, as well as a method to retrieve buffer data. Unextended OpenAL only provides a method to specify a single buffer format when loading data, which defines the data given by the application. The AL is given leeway in converting the data, so that it is possible or more efficient to use internally. However, there are some drawbacks to this approach: * The conversion done by the implementation is hidden from the app. This makes it difficult for the app to know what kind of precision it will have, and impossible to request a storage precision. * Conversion is not guaranteed, so the application can be restricted in the formats that can be loaded depending on the implementation. If the application could specify the internal storage format, as well as use a separate format to specify the incoming data's format, it would allow to add more input formats (signed 8-bit, 32-bit int, and float, for example), with no undue burden placed on the implementation beyond needing some conversion routines. The application can then be assured that many different formats can be loaded, even if storage is restricted to a comparatively small subset. In addition, unextended OpenAL does not have any methods for updating only a portion of a buffer, nor a method to retrieve the data from a buffer. Issues Q: Should this extension be an EXT or SOFT? A: For the time being, SOFT. However, if there's interest from other implementations, it can be changed to EXT. Q: What storage formats should be guaranteed to be supported? A: OpenAL has 8- and 16-bit, mono and stereo, formats standard, so this extension should as well. Supporting 32-bit float and multi-channel formats may be too much to require of an implementation that wishes to support this extension. To work with this, as well as future extensibility, a method to query other supported storage formats is provided. Note that this doesn't affect the supported user-supplied data formats (eg, AL_SHORT, AL_INT, AL_FLOAT). Those are expected to all be supported by the implementation. Only storage is restricted this way. Q: In some cases, an implementation would convert to a single bit-depth for storage. How could that work with 8- and 16-bit storage being required? A: An implementation is allowed to pad samples in a buffer's internal storage. This way, an implementation that only handles 16-bit samples for mixing can support 8-bit samples that are padded with another 8 bits. It should be noted, however, that an application should have a reasonable expectation of the requested precision. Meaning, if an application provides 16-bit data and specifies 8-bit storage, and the implementation uses 8 bits of padding with 8-bit storage, the padding bytes should be cleared so that there are 256 levels of amplitude in the stored sample data. Q: How should an application query the supported storage formats? A: Using alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT. Traditionally, checking for supported formats was done by calling alGetEnumValue with the stringified format enum, but this was a sub-par solution. An explicit query returning a true/false boolean is much cleaner. Q: Can a storage format's channel configuration differ from the input channel configuration (eg, AL_QUAD16 storage with AL_STEREO input)? A: Not in this extension. It will result in an AL_INVALID_ENUM error. A future extension should be expected to lift this restriction and define what kind of channel mapping should occur. Q: How are buffer lengths and offsets specified? A: Using uncompressed sample frames. This helps avoid issues associated with sizes that contain a partial frame. Q: Should there be more buffer attributes defined? A: Yes. An application should have a way of querying the storage format and the number of sample frames, as these are values used by the buffer and useful to the application. It also makes sense to have a query for the length in bytes that directly corresponds to the source's byte offset. The buffer's AL_SIZE attribute is intended to report the actual size used for storage, while the source's byte offset is adjusted to match the original size and format. Because of that, there's no way for an application to reliably query the extent of the byte offset. Finally, since the buffer's byte and sample lengths are provided, the length in seconds may as well be, too. Q: What can be said about AL_BYTE_OFFSET and the like, which normally would be adjusted to the buffer's input format? A: They are adjusted according to the storage format of the buffer, as if it was packed, interleaved data (an implementation does not have to actually store the data in a packed or interleaved fashion, but the offset should be treated as if it was). Q: Should this extension be allowed to modify playing buffers? A: alBufferSubSamplesSOFT and alGetBufferSamplesSOFT can be called on playing buffers, but not alBufferSamplesSOFT. As a consequence, it shares the AL_BYTE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT and AL_SAMPLE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT source properties with AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data. New Procedures and Functions void alBufferSamplesSOFT(ALuint buffer, ALuint samplerate, ALenum internalformat, ALsizei samples, ALenum channels, ALenum type, const ALvoid *data); void alBufferSubSamplesSOFT(ALuint buffer, ALsizei offset, ALsizei samples, ALenum channels, ALenum type, const ALvoid *data); void alGetBufferSamplesSOFT(ALuint buffer, ALsizei offset, ALsizei samples, ALenum channels, ALenum type, ALvoid *data); ALboolean alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT(ALenum format); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of alBufferSamplesSOFT (values are shared with standard OpenAL, AL_EXT_FLOAT32, and AL_EXT_MCFORMATS): AL_MONO8_SOFT 0x1100 AL_MONO16_SOFT 0x1101 AL_MONO32F_SOFT 0x10010 AL_STEREO8_SOFT 0x1102 AL_STEREO16_SOFT 0x1103 AL_STEREO32F_SOFT 0x10011 AL_QUAD8_SOFT 0x1204 AL_QUAD16_SOFT 0x1205 AL_QUAD32F_SOFT 0x1206 AL_REAR8_SOFT 0x1207 AL_REAR16_SOFT 0x1208 AL_REAR32F_SOFT 0x1209 AL_5POINT1_8_SOFT 0x120A AL_5POINT1_16_SOFT 0x120B AL_5POINT1_32F_SOFT 0x120C AL_6POINT1_8_SOFT 0x120D AL_6POINT1_16_SOFT 0x120E AL_6POINT1_32F_SOFT 0x120F AL_7POINT1_8_SOFT 0x1210 AL_7POINT1_16_SOFT 0x1211 AL_7POINT1_32F_SOFT 0x1212 Accepted by the parameter of alBufferSamplesSOFT, alBufferSubSamplesSOFT, and alGetBufferSamplesSOFT: AL_MONO_SOFT 0x1500 AL_STEREO_SOFT 0x1501 AL_QUAD_SOFT 0x1502 AL_REAR_SOFT 0x1503 AL_5POINT1_SOFT 0x1504 AL_6POINT1_SOFT 0x1505 AL_7POINT1_SOFT 0x1506 Accepted by the parameter of alBufferSamplesSOFT, alBufferSubSamplesSOFT, and alGetBufferSamplesSOFT: AL_BYTE_SOFT 0x1400 AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_SOFT 0x1401 AL_SHORT_SOFT 0x1402 AL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_SOFT 0x1403 AL_INT_SOFT 0x1404 AL_UNSIGNED_INT_SOFT 0x1405 AL_FLOAT_SOFT 0x1406 AL_DOUBLE_SOFT 0x1407 AL_BYTE3_SOFT 0x1408 AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE3_SOFT 0x1409 Accepted by the parameter of alGetBufferi and alGetBufferiv: AL_INTERNAL_FORMAT_SOFT 0x2008 AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT 0x2009 AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT 0x200A Accepted by the parameter of alGetBufferf and alGetBufferfv: AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT 0x200B Accepted by the parameter of alGetSourceiv and alGetSourcefv (these are the same as in AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data): AL_BYTE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT 0x1031 AL_SAMPLE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT 0x1032 Additions to Specification A New Way To Specify Buffer Data To remove a buffer's sample data and replace it with new data, the function void alBufferSamplesSOFT(ALuint buffer, ALuint samplerate, ALenum internalformat, ALsizei samples, ALenum channels, ALenum type, const ALvoid *data); should be used. The named must be a buffer ID returned by alGenBuffers, and not currently be attached to or queued on a source. The given is the number of sample frames per second the data will play at, and the is the storage format used (see Table 1.1). The number of uncompressed sample frames to load is specified by . The and parameters specify the channel configuration and sample type of the provided data (see Table 1.2 and 1.3). The samples will be converted to the internal storage format as needed, however the channel configuration must match the channel configuration of the storage format or an AL_INVALID_ENUM error will be generated. The pointer should hold enough data as specified by the , , and parameters, and will be copied and converted into the buffer's storage. It may also be NULL, in which case the stored data will be undefined. If AL_SOFT_loop_points is supported, a successful call will reset the start and end loop points to 0 and respectively. Table 1.1. Storage formats Format Configuration Channels Bit-size and type ------------------ ------------- -------- ----------------- AL_MONO8_SOFT Mono 1 8-bit int AL_MONO16_SOFT Mono 1 16-bit int AL_MONO32F_SOFT Mono 1 32-bit float AL_STEREO8_SOFT Stereo 2 8-bit int AL_STEREO16_SOFT Stereo 2 16-bit int AL_STEREO32F_SOFT Stereo 2 32-bit float AL_QUAD8_SOFT Quad 4 8-bit int AL_QUAD16_SOFT Quad 4 16-bit int AL_QUAD32F_SOFT Quad 4 32-bit float AL_REAR8_SOFT Rear 2 8-bit int AL_REAR16_SOFT Rear 2 16-bit int AL_REAR32F_SOFT Rear 2 32-bit float AL_5POINT1_8_SOFT 5.1 6 8-bit int AL_5POINT1_16_SOFT 5.1 6 16-bit int AL_5POINT1_32F_SOFT 5.1 6 32-bit float AL_6POINT1_8_SOFT 6.1 7 8-bit int AL_6POINT1_16_SOFT 6.1 7 16-bit int AL_6POINT1_32F_SOFT 6.1 7 32-bit float AL_7POINT1_8_SOFT 7.1 8 8-bit int AL_7POINT1_16_SOFT 7.1 8 16-bit int AL_7POINT1_32F_SOFT 7.1 8 32-bit float These specify the channel configuration and precision of the buffer's internal storage. The details of these formats (eg, signedness of samples, channel order, padding, and if the samples are interleaved or not) is left to the implementation. Only AL_MONO8_SOFT, AL_STEREO8_SOFT, AL_MONO16_SOFT, and AL_STEREO16_SOFT are guaranteed to be supported. The remaining should be checked with a call to alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT before use. Table 1.2. Channel configurations Channels Configuration Order ---------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------- AL_MONO_SOFT Mono mono AL_STEREO_SOFT Stereo front-left, front-right AL_QUAD_SOFT Quad front-left, front-right, rear-left, rear-right AL_REAR_SOFT Rear rear-left, rear-right AL_5POINT1_SOFT 5.1 front-left, front-right, front-center, lfe, rear-left, rear-right AL_6POINT1_SOFT 6.1 front-left, front-right, front-center, lfe, rear-center, side-left, side-right AL_7POINT1_SOFT 7.1 front-left, front-right, front-center, lfe, rear-left, rear-right, side-left, side-right Channel configurations that can be loaded into a buffer. As long as the base configuration (Mono, Stereo, etc) matches the storage, the data can be loaded. The sample data will be re-ordered and de-interleaved as needed by the implementation. Table 1.3. Sample types Type Data type Nominal value range ---------------------- --------- ------------------------- AL_BYTE_SOFT ALbyte -128...+127 AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_SOFT ALubyte 0...+255 AL_SHORT_SOFT ALshort -32768...+32767 AL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_SOFT ALushort 0...+65535 AL_INT_SOFT ALint -2147483648...+2147483647 AL_UNSIGNED_INT_SOFT ALuint 0...+4294967295 AL_FLOAT_SOFT ALfloat -1.0...+1.0 AL_DOUBLE_SOFT ALdouble -1.0...+1.0 AL_BYTE3_SOFT ALbyte[3] -8388608...+8388607 AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE3_SOFT ALubyte[3] 0...+16777215 Data types and value ranges of loadable sample types. These values are normalized, meaning the ALubyte range of 0...255 corresponds to the same range as ALshort's -32768...+32767. ALfloat and ALdouble samples may specify values outside of their nominal range, but will be clamped as needed by the implementation (eg, when converting to a non-float type). Values of +Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN will result in undefined behavior. Note that for AL_BYTE3_SOFT and AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE3_SOFT, the value is a packed 24-bit integer split into three bytes. The byte order is dependent on the native byte order of the system. For AL_BYTE3_SOFT, only the most significant bit of the most significant byte determines the signedness of the value. Table 2.0. Buffer Internal Format Attribute Name Signature Values Default ----------------------- --------- -------------- ------- AL_INTERNAL_FORMAT_SOFT i, iv Any valid AL_NONE storage format Query only. Queries the buffer's internal storage format, which is the internalformat specified for the last successful alBufferSamplesSOFT call. If a successful call to alBufferData is more recent, the value will be a valid, implementation defined, storage format enum. Table 2.1. Buffer Length Attributes Name Signature Values Default --------------------- --------- ------------ ------- AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT i, iv [0, INT_MAX] 0 AL_SAMPLE_LENGTH_SOFT i, iv [0, INT_MAX] 0 AL_SEC_LENGTH_SOFT f, fv [0.0f, Any] 0.0f Query only. Queries the length of the buffer, in bytes, sample frames, or seconds. The sample length will be the same as the parameter to the last successful alBufferSamplesSOFT call or, if a successful call to alBufferData is more recent, based on the provided data length. The length in seconds is the sample length divided by the buffer's sample rate, and the byte length is the sample length multiplied by the storage format's sample byte precision and channel count. The lengths also represents the extents of a source offset when the buffer is attached to a static source. That is, when the buffer is set on a source using the source's AL_BUFFER attribute, the length is the end of the corresponding source offset; eg, the source's AL_BYTE_OFFSET will range from 0 (inclusive) to AL_BYTE_LENGTH_SOFT (exclusive). To query if a storage format is supported by the implementation, use the function ALboolean alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT(ALenum format); The function returns AL_FALSE if the given is not a recognized storage format. Otherwise, if it returns AL_TRUE it may be specified as the for alBufferSamplesSOFT. To update a buffer with new data, call void alBufferSubSamplesSOFT(ALuint buffer, ALsizei offset, ALsizei samples, ALenum channels, ALenum type, const ALvoid *data); is the ID of the buffer to modify. is the first sample frame in the internal storage to be modified, and is the number of sample frames to modify. They must not extend beyond the existing internal storage length. The and parameters specify the channel configuration and sample type of the provided data buffer, specified by , which will be copied and converted to the buffer's storage format. As with alBufferSamplesSOFT, the channel configuration must match the storage format's channel configuration or an AL_INVALID_ENUM error will be generated. When modifying a buffer that's playing on a source, an application must take care to not modify the section that is currently being played. The read-only source attributes AL_BYTE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT AL_SAMPLE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT may be used to retrieve the read and write cursor offsets (see Table 3.0 and 3.1). Behavior is undefined if an attempt is made to modify buffer data between the read and write offsets. Table 3.0. Source AL_SAMPLE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT Attribute Name Signature Values Default ------------------------- --------- ----------- ------- AL_SAMPLE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT fv, iv [0.0f, any] N/A Query only. Queries the current read and write cursor offsets, expressed in samples (the values will loop back to 0 for looping sources). For a compressed format, these values will represent an exact offset within the uncompressed data. The two offset values are relative to the beginning of all the queued buffers for the source. The first value returned in the array is the offset to the sample currently being read by the AL. The second value is the offset an application may safely write to. If the source is not in an AL_PLAYING state, the read and write offsets will be the identical. Table 3.1. Source AL_BYTE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT Attribute Name Signature Values Default ----------------------- --------- ----------- ------- AL_BYTE_RW_OFFSETS_SOFT fv, iv [0.0f, any] N/A Query only. Queries the current read and write cursor offsets, expressed in bytes (the values will loop back to 0 for looping sources). For a compressed format, these values may represent an approximate offset within the compressed data buffer. The two offset values are relative to the beginning of all the queued buffers for the source. The first value returned in the array is the offset to the data block currently being read by the AL. The second value is the byte offset an application may safely write to. If the source is not in an AL_PLAYING state, the read and write offsets will be the identical. To retrieve a buffer's sample data, use void alGetBufferSamplesSOFT(ALuint buffer, ALsizei offset, ALsizei samples, ALenum channels, ALenum type, ALvoid *data); This function will read the number of sample frames, given by , starting at , and convert them to the channel configuration and sample type specified by and , before writing to the provided buffer pointer. An AL_INVALID_VALUE error is generated if and reach beyond the range of the buffer. The channel configuration must match the internal storage format's channel configuration, or else an AL_INVALID_ENUM error will be generated. Errors The error AL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if alBufferSamplesSOFT is called with a buffer that's attached or queued on a source. The error AL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if the configuration specified by does not match the buffer's storage format's channel configuration. The error AL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if alBufferSubSamplesSOFT or alGetBufferSamplesSOFT is called with values for and that specify a segment that is beyond the range of the buffer.